Xinnix Door Systems bv pays great attention to the quality of its products. Nevertheless, it may happen that an element or a mechanical part does not meet the usual quality. Xinnix Door Systems bv therefore guarantees the quality of the materials used and the functionality of its products during the specified warranty period. If the goods were delivered not in accordance with the order or if they already have visible defects, they may not be installed. The period of the warranty is as follows: 2 years on construction defects in the mechanical non-moving parts. 2 years or 200,000 cycles on mechanical moving parts, i.e. the hardware. In case of problems, please always contact Xinnix first, before taking actions yourself. You will receive our full warranty statement on request. During the stated warranty period, Xinnix Door Systems bv will replace the parts to be repaired, unless the repair is explicitly excluded from this warranty. A lock is an article of use and will wear out over time. If this is the case and the lock is defect and the door is in a closed position, you can: Along the opening side, you can use two peeling knives (1 above and 1 below) to push the magnetic bolt back into the lock. Along the pushing side, take a drill of 6 mm diameter. Drill a hole on the following position as shown on the picture below : Position the drill : - 15 mm from the edge of the frame on the wall (not in the door) - 35 mm under the center of the door handle The drill will enter between the door and the frame and will push the latch into the lockcase. The door will open once the latch goes back into the lockcase ; put some tape on the lock to avoid the door closes again. In case of problems, please always contact Xinnix before taking any actions yourself.