Tested according to NBN ISO 101040-2: 2010 and calculated according NBN EN ISO 717-1 : 1997. Xinnix Door Systems developed an acoustic resistant door assembly without a visible door frame. This system makes that these door assemblies are not only timeless and universally applicable but that they are in addition acoustic resistant.
The combination fire-rated & acoustic door is also possible.
Hp = Height panel Hf = Height frame Hw = Height structural opening Wp = Width panel Wf = Width frame Ww = Width structural opening
Wall Finishing
- Plastering - Plasterboard - HPL - Veneer - Tile finish
Minimum finished wall thickness:
Xinnix frame
1 - Uprights
2 - Upperrail + distance keepers
3 - Finishing profiles XA-FIN (extra option)
Acoustic frame is always with upperrail incl. acoustic joint.
A24 (standard)
Other hinges
Magnetic lock
00BB (standard)
Other locks
Acoustic gasket